Socal28's S2000

Mini San Fernando Valley S2000 Meet

September 16, 2001
3 cars

Wallace, Mas and myself

Drove down Topanga Canyon Road to PCH
Turned right and drove to Malibu
Stopped at Subway in front of Pepperdine University for a quick bite to eat
Wallace and I took Kanan Road back to 101 Hwy and Mas continued on PCH to ???

Nice to meet you guys again!  Too bad there weren't more S2000 there!?!?
Maybe we need to recruit that blonde in the silver s2k!  :p

Any of the pictures can be enlarged by clicking on them.

Met at Starbucks at Topanga Canyon and Ventura Blvd


My silver, Mas' yellow and Wallace's black

Near the top of Topanga Canyon Road ("Top of the world")


Mas driving in front of me

Wallace behind me

On PCH, driving towards Malibu

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